Porównane wersje


  • Te wersy zostały dodane. Tosłowo zostało dodane.
  • Te wersy zostały usunięte. To słowo zostało usunięte.
  • Formatowanie zostało zmienione.


EXAMPLE: You go to the Profiles.backup folder, you access Profile 1 and open the latest backup folder there is. Now, you see a bunch of files which need to be copied. After doing that, you go to the Profiles folder find the profile number you lost your progress on (in this example it’s Profile 1). Now, inside the Profiles folder you open Profile 1, delete all the files in there and paste the files you just copied.

Now, all there is to do is just to launch House Flipper and check if everything works correctly.

(błąd) If it still doesn’t work or the backup folder is EMPTY…either EMPTY or completely GONE…

  1. Make sure that you performed all the steps correctly!

  2. Try using an alternative backup folder. Start off by again finding the location bar:

    Then paste the path “C:\Users\recz<your username here>\Documents\House Flipper\Profiles.backup” in there to access the alternative backup location.

  3. The rest of steps remains the same.
