Linux support (Steam Play)

Linux support (Steam Play)

House Flipper is available for Linux on Steam

Technical details

House Flipper is using Steam Play to launch the Windows version of the game on Linux.

Users' reports on the topic are gathered on House Flipper's page on ProtonDB.

For more information about the underlying technology see:

 Legacy information

We've received some positive feedback on ProtonDB.
You can install and play House Flipper on your Linux PC if you enforce the option through House Flipper's Steam properties.
The option you're looking for is called "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" (at the bottom of the properties window).

If the option is missing

First make sure that Steam Play is enabled in settings. Verify settings in the "Steam Play" tab.

If that doesn't help check you can try enabling beta participation in the "Account" tab.

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